Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day Mom!
My mother is an amazing woman who has dedicated her life to her God, her husband, her children and her grandchildren. She has sucessfully balanced her roles as a minister, conference speaker, counselor, office manager, full-time wife and mother and has done it all with a sense of style and grace...and always with a smile on her face and laughter in her voice (and not to bad looking for 60). Constantly striving for a deeper relationship with God, she is an avid studier of the scriptures. When we get together, she reminds us often to "make happy memories!" No matter the stages of my life, and I've had a few that qualify as doozies, I've never doubted her love. Even when we've butted heads, she has been quick to put her arms around me and tell me how much she loves me, her "favorite oldest son." Some would say I'm lucky to have a mother like the one I've been blessed with...and I won't argue with them.
Happy Mother's Day...I love you!