“This is a desperate SOS”
Those are the desperate words of New Orlean's mayor! As the situation continues to deteriorate for those in and around this great city, and as the "golden 72 hour window" begins to run out, my heart hurts. I wish I could go, but I can't! Britney Spears has offered her prayers and that is all well and good and I join her, but a nagging thought has continued to run through my head! Surely there's more I can do besides offer a few prayers while safely tucked in my nice home and my beautiful neighborhood! In researching the various disaster relief organizations, I am continually struck by all that the American Red Cross does to help those facing disasters around the world. Once again, they are at the forefront in this disaster. If you can't go, then donate even a little money or clothes or time! To stand by and do nothing is just bad karma! |